Business Development Program
With COVID-19 shutdown hard on the heels of bushfires and other challenges, businesses in regional and rural areas need support to bounce back for 2021. Rocketshop has developed an innovative business development program specifically tailored to help.
Drawing on our experience of working with country businesses and community groups across Australia, we have developed a program with six modules:

Health & Wellbeing
Drawing on the latest insights of positive psychology and strengths-based development, we will provide insights into how small business owners can progress towards work-life balance; develop their businesses in line with their personal capabilities and recognise how to bring out the best in their staff.

Positive Leadership
Helping business owners understand how to be a leader – even if they are a start-up business with a staff of one! We will incorporate cutting edge thinking on positive leadership in business and provide insights can benefit all business leaders, regardless of their background.

Sales & Marketing
Anyone can buy an ad or put a post on Facebook, but how do you know when and where to do it and how much to spend? We works with clients across Australia to minimise their spending wastage and work towards clear business goals.

Business Strategy
What does your 1, 3 and 10 year plan look like – and why? We can provide you with a strategy that has a clear focus on aligning your business activity with clear achievable goals, resulting in sustainable growth for your business.

People Management
A vital business practice that provides a practical approach to attracting, keeping and motivating great staff. We provide insight into how to maximize your people management skills and supply training and materials that will supplement our tips and advice.

Financial Management
Understanding changes in technology that allow businesses to flourish without becoming bound by red tape, while also prioritising key lessons in financial management is essential for any small business owner. We can connect you with all the resources you need to manage your business's finances.
Looking for more information? Give us a call on 0423 748 029 or simply fill out the form below